» Store » Pretty Bows » Pull Butterfly Bow » White Gold Elegance Butterfly Bow

White Gold Elegance Butterfly Bow

Price: $1.29 - $19.99
Discount Price: $0.52 - $8.00
SKU other Price Qty.
White Gold Elegance Butterfly Bow 1 Bow $1.29
White Gold Elegance Butterfly Bow 5 5 Bows $5.99
White Gold Elegance Butterfly Bow 10 10 Bows $9.99
White Gold Elegance Butterfly Bow 25 25 Bows $19.99

JUST INAnother bow for the Bow Challenged designer, just pull a string and it immediately pulls into an elegant bow.

Depending on your taste it may be too large for a greeting card, even so I see hundreds of uses for this elegant and very easy bow.

The pulled string is 15 inches long so can be easily attached to most designs.

Available in 1, 5, 10, or 25 bows.

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